A great place to get some inspiration from +Colby Brown and many other fabulous photographers…
(and maybe win a Wacom Cintiq…wow!!)
Reshared post from +Colby Brown
Grand Opening of INSIVITY.COM + $2000 GIVEAWAY
I am incredibly happy to announce the official launch of Insivity (www.insivity.com). Insivity stands for "Insane Inspiration and Creativity" and consists of a collaborative effort from some of the most talented and inspirational photographers, graphic designers and illustrators in the world who are here to share their knowledge and passion with all of you…for free!
Aritsts include:
+Jeremy Cowart +Chris Burkard +Elia Locardi +Ken Kaminesky +Richard Bernabe +Catherine Hall +Dean Bradshaw +Patrick Di Fruscia +Jay Patel +Varina Patel +Alan Shapiro and many many more.$2000 GIVEAWAY
As part of this grand opening, we are giving away a Wacom Cintiq 22HD tablet (MSRP $1999) to one lucky winner. All you have to do is sign up for the Insivity newsletter (http://insivity.com/sign-up/) and reshare any one of our announcements on Google+, Twitter or Facebook.The giveaway runs from today through December 31st, 2012. More information can be found here…. http://insivity.com/sign-up/
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