Having surgery Monday morning to try to reattach my retina

In the meantime, for some reason I'm saying "Aaarrgghh" a lot.

Having surgery Monday morning to try to reattach my retina. In the meantime, for some reason I’m saying “Aaarrgghh” a lot.

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53 thoughts on “Having surgery Monday morning to try to reattach my retina

  1. I had that surgery.  Almost waited too late but I have most of my vision back. It looks great. I did not realize I had lost my vision in the right eye.Knew something was not right. Good luck and I am certain you are in good hands. I had a horse shoe tear and scar tissue.  Thankful for the surgery. 

  2. Just make sure to remind the surgeon that you aren't there to have a leg removed and wooden prosthetic attached. 😉

    Praying for a smooth procedure and full healing with restored vision!

    Arrrrrgh, we'll be thinkin' 'bout yer come Monday matey! <3

    (Btw, when you ask Jack "what does a pirate day?" he squints with one eye and talks out of one side of his mouth, saying "Arrrrrgh!" It's pretty funny.)

  3. +Dave Bell If it doesn't go well, look on the bright side. All you need is a stuffed parrot on your shoulder and you can chase beautiful women around while saying "Aaarrgh, hand over the booty!" Just make sure you duck when they try to slap you. Lol

  4. +Lee Sackett, I had a lot of pain and nausea after the second surgery. I had to try to remain face down as much as possible. It's taken about a week to get past that. I'm going back to teaching tomorrow… we'll see how that goes. I'll be wearing an eye patch because all I get is a blurry rotated image of the world with it, and it's quite disconcerting. Hopefully my brain will figure things out in a few months. Thanks for checking in!

  5. +Dave Bell I'm sorry you had a rough go of it second time around. I'm hoping the pain will ease quickly and sight will return completely. Do they have any improved prognosis since the surgery? Praying for you, hang in there!!! <3

  6. Saw my doctor today. Another surgery scheduled for Feb 9. It will be a 2-3 hour intricate procedure to try to reposition the retina and remove fluid from behind it. I'll be wearing my pirate patch until at least then since the image I get from that eye right now is so very distracting.

  7. I'm back in the classroom. That's going pretty well. I finally figured out that it was the Percocet causing the nausea…so now I don't really have anything strong for pain other than taking 4 Advil plus two extra strength Tylenol at a time (approved by my doctor).
    I saw the surgeon today, and we have scheduled another procedure about two weeks from now. He will attempt to remove the fluid from behind the retina and try to fix attachment points so the image is not rotated. I will also get a new artificial lens since the trauma has started cataracts to form. I'll be away from work for another week, attempting to remain face down as much as possible for the first few days after the procedure. It's a complex procedure that will take about 2.5 hours on the operating table.

  8. Thanks for asking, +Karin Nelson. In the Jan 2 surgery, the surgeon removed the vitreous (the jello stuff that fills the eyeball, which had a lot of blood seeped into it), and reattached my retina. Unfortunately after a couple of weeks it detached again (not uncommon). I had another surgery in February. Again, scar tissue grew that caused tension on the retina and it detached again. 3rd surgery in mid-march (required a week of 'face-down' time after each one). So far, this one is holding. My eye is filled with silicon oil, and they have removed my lens, so what I do see is only light and dark and a bit of motion. I'll have to wait at least 3 more months to make sure the retina stays down before they swap the oil for saline, and give me an artificial lens. In the meantime, I'm trying to learn to do things with my non-dominant eye. It's weird to lose 3-D depth perception. Driving is fine. I still wear the patch most of the time due to incoherent light patterns I see without it. 
    It is unclear how much sight I might actually get back. It appears that I have lost all vision in the upper third of my field of view. The surgeon confirmed that they had to cut some of the retina off, which explains that.
    So… I keep plugging away, slowly getting better at living with my new reality…
    Hopefully that wasn't more than you wanted to know!

  9. Well, I'm glad they insisted. It sounds like you are getting everything under control now. I'm glad to hear that you haven't given up. I'm rooting for ya, you know that. 🙂

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