It's rather interesting to see the results.
The list should be somewhat representative of the people you interact with the most.
I see that quite a few from my list come from the fabulous mentorship group led by +Ron Clifford as well as the last two +Chrysta Rae scavenger hunt circles.
A-Z Favorites on GooglePlus
Try this out yourself:
Use search or just put a plus and the letter and go with the first suggestion.
If a repeat name comes up on a letter, pick the next one from the list.
A +Annette Biggers
B +Jen Baptist
C +Ron Clifford
D +Linda DuLac
E +Edward Maesen
F +CB Friedland
G +Robin Griggs Wood
H +Hilton Meyer
I +Ingo Meckmann
J +Peter J. Robinson, Jr.
K +Karen Hutton
L +Helen Lam
M +Liz Marion Souza
N +Ashley Nicole
O +Chris Olsen
P +Susan Porter
Q +Terri Queen
R +Ruben Williams
S +Clarissa Snow
T +Tamara Pruessner
U +Neal Urban
V +Sly Vegas
W +chris walsham
X +Xavier Ruiz Canadell
Y +adil youri
Z +Zero Dean
Google+: View post on Google+
I think what's most interesting is who did not end up on the list.
I think it's because they have names with more common letters.
Yes, that includes you, +Anna Nguyen +elizabeth hahn +Chrysta Rae +Sheila B. DuBois +Heather Webb +Keith Barrett +Kelli Seeger Kim +Eric Cheng +Paulissa Kipp
+Dave Bell. :)Awww, thanks +Dave Bell! :0)
I tried to do it, but I don't think I did it correctly because all I got were banks and major stores like WalMart and Target.
chapeau dear sir
Yay – I got an honorable mention! 🙂
It's a fun little game 😉