The Human Carpenter's Level

Yes… if you have a table or desk or deck that you want to make sure is level, for a small fee I'll come over and lay down on it, and you can check the position of the bubble in my eye 😉 👀

The bubble is harmless. It's just left over air space after my surgeon filled the eye with silicone oil on Monday. My body will naturally fill the space with fluid over the next few days… but when Susie and I first saw it, we thought it looked pretty weird!

I'm spending all of this week stuck face down in hopes that the retina will take hold and stay attached. I'm told that I will likely have to leave the oil in permanently or risk detachment. However, since the oil emulsifies over time (forms opaque clumps), I will have to have periodic oil changes. (I'm not sure how many miles I can go between changes… 😉 )

The vision itself is pretty bad. The retina is very damaged. I can make out fingers if held in front of a bright light, but the image is very dark, distorted, and rotated. It's not the kind of thing that slowly gets better.
I really appreciate all of your continued prayers and encouragement. It means a lot to me!! I still have several months of healing and adjustment time to get through… but I'm not discouraged. There are many people who do just fine with one good eye (including a number of good friends).

The Human Carpenter’s Level

Yes… if you have a table or desk or deck that you want to make sure is level, for a small fee I’ll come over and lay down on it, and you can check the position of the bubble in my eye 😉 👀

The bubble is harmless. It’s just left over air space after my surgeon filled the eye with silicone oil on Monday. My body will naturally fill the space with fluid over the next few days… but when Susie and I first saw it, we

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Heading home from my follow up appointment

They took off the patch, and so far I can't really see anything. He told me that there is some blood inside my eye that may take a couple of weeks to clear. He said that is normal. So this will be a gradual process.
Thanks again for all of the prayers and support!

Heading home from my follow up appointment. They took off the patch, and so far I can’t really see anything. He told me that there is some blood inside my eye that may take a couple of weeks to clear. He said that is normal. So this will be a gradual process.
Thanks again for all of the prayers and support!

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Just arrived at the Stanford Eye Institute for my fifth surgery

The previous surgeries were to save the eye. Today they will attempt to restore some of my sight with an artificial lens and swapping oil out of my eye for saline.
My retina has a lot of scar tissue so I don't know what the final result might be.
Thanks for all of the support and prayers from my G+ family over the past months

Just arrived at the Stanford Eye Institute for my fifth surgery. The previous surgeries were to save the eye. Today they will attempt to restore some of my sight with an artificial lens and swapping oil out of my eye for saline.
My retina has a lot of scar tissue so I don’t know what the final result might be.
Thanks for all of the support and prayers from my G+ family over the past months

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The most comprehensive and helpful review of the Camera+ iPhone app that I've…

The most comprehensive and helpful review of the Camera+ iPhone app that I've ever read!
Thanks, +Kalebra Kelby 

Embedded Link

Camera+, Panda Pop and Fireworks? – Kalebra Kelby
I know I had recommended that we all try Camera+ on July 4th because they had added Slow Shutter, and I hope that some of you did and I hope that you had great success. My awesome sister had read my blog post and had downloaded it herself and, in fact, was with me on the 4th at the same …

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+Scott Kelby gives some great tips for shooting fireworks

+Scott Kelby gives some great tips for shooting fireworks. Also click through to the article he wrote for #CocaCola  
+Kalebra Kelby also has tips for iPhone shooters:
Anyone going to be out there shooting tonight?

Embedded Link

How to Take Awesome Fireworks Photos Tonight! – Scott Kelby’s Photoshop Insider
Hi Gang, and Happy 4th! Today is a big holiday for us here in the US – it’s Independence Day – a day where Americans celebrate their independence from England (around 240 years ago), but also from Glyn Dewis and Dave Clayton (two of England’s finest, but still worth keeping at a safe distance).

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Hospital View

My mother in law is in the hospital…
This is the view out her window.
I suppose that there are worse places to spend your time getting well…
Yet one more reason I love the Napa Valley

Hospital View
My mother in law is in the hospital…
This is the view out her window.
I suppose that there are worse places to spend your time getting well…
Yet one more reason I love the Napa Valley

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Happy 5 Years G+

This was the day that started it all for me! An incredible evening photowalk at Stanford University led by +Trey Ratcliff along with many other great photographers such as +Catherine Hall +Michael Bonocore +Thomas Hawk +Karen Hutton +Lisa Bettany +Peter Adams 
All made possible by communication via G+
I've made many real friends here… and have enjoyed being able to meet up with some of them IRL.
I love this community!


Reshared post from +Peter Adams

Here's the group photo from tonight's +Trey Ratcliff photo walk at Stanford. It was great to meet everyone and put real faces to the Google+ profile photos! Thanks again to Trey for organizing this.

A few people asked for the details on how this shot was done so here it is…

This was by far the largest group shot I've ever taken and I wasn't sure how many rows of people were going to be in the photo until right before I took it. Assuming the worst, I setup four Ranger Quadra packs outfitted with bare heads and wide reflectors. You can see two heads in the photo lighting the front and middle. The other two heads are high camera left and right on C stands aimed at the back in a cross pattern.

The Quadras were set at ~3.5 power giving me ~f/11, ambient light was dialed in at 1/60 s.

I was going to put the camera on a tripod but didn't feel like messing around with it on those steps. Instead, I wound up shooting the Phase One IQ140 with a 35mm lens, hand held, at ISO 400.

I think there are over 150 people in this shot. I've tried counting heads on my screen a few times but it's late and I keep losing track of who I already counted…help.


Folks are saying that there are 183 people in the shot.

Also, a larger version of the photo is available from here:

Feel free to copy/use non-commercially, just please attribute and link back to the URL above.

Group photo of the photographers present for the Trey Ratcliff photo walk at Stanford University.

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The Glory Hole at Lake Berryessa (or, more properly called the Morning Glory Spillway)…

The Glory Hole at Lake Berryessa (or, more properly called the Morning Glory Spillway) is located at the south end of the lake, and serves as the overflow route when the lake fills up.
It is the largest spillway of its kind in the world, measuring 72 feet across.

Unfortunately, due to continued drought conditions, water has not spilled into it since May of 2006…but it's quite a sight when it does.
I pass this way every time I go to/from the Sacramento Airport.

#napacounty   #winecountry   #lakes   #dams

The Glory Hole at Lake Berryessa (or, more properly called the Morning Glory Spillway) is located at the south end of the lake, and serves as the overflow route when the lake fills up.
It is the largest spillway of its kind in the world, measuring 72 feet across.

Unfortunately, due to continued drought conditions, water has not spilled into it since May of 2006…but it’s quite a sight when it does.
I pass this way every time I go to/from the

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