A Look Back…My First HDR

This shot holds a special place in my heart because it was my very first attempt to actually 'do' HDR, about 4 years ago. I'm sure it could be improved with reprocessing…and many of my attempts since then have been 'learning' experiences like Edison 'discovering' how NOT to make a lightbulb…but I've also been pleased with the successes!
Palác Koruna building, Wenceslas Square, Prague

My First HDR
This shot holds a special place in my heart because it was my very first attempt to actually ‘do’ HDR, about 4 years ago. I’m sure it could be improved with reprocessing…and many of my attempts since then have been ‘learning’ experiences like Edison ‘discovering’ how NOT to make a lightbulb…but I’ve also been pleased with the successes!
Palác Koruna building, Wenceslas Square, Prague
#prague   #praguephotograpy  

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